Health Visiting Service

Health visitors work in partnership with parents and carers to support them in giving their children the best possible start in life.

Health Visiting Service

How we can support you

Whether you would like a one-off session covering a particular aspect of care that you need support with, or you wish to access a range of services from our health visitor to support you throughout your child’s development, we are here for you.

Antenatal contact

We know that feeling prepared can reduce anxiety in the lead up to childbirth, particularly when it is your first baby or following a previous difficult birth. We also know how daunting it can feel as the due date approaches and you do not have a lot of family practical support around you. We give you the opportunity to discuss any topic you feel would be most valuable to you before your baby arrives.

Postnatal Recovery

No two births are the same and post-natal recovery looks different for every woman. We are passionate about supporting mums to feel at their best in order to enjoy life with their new baby. Our health visitor is here to help with any concerns you may have in the post-natal period, both physically and mentally.

Newborn Care

Our health visitor will give you the tools and confidence to give your new baby the best care from head to toe. Covering topics such as bathingumbilical cord carenappy rash, and recognizing signs of illness and common ailments for a newborn.

Breastfeeding Guidance & Support

New mothers often struggle when first starting their breastfeeding journey. We offer professional advice and tips for dealing with common breastfeeding challenges such as, position and attachmentmilk supply and the types of equipment you can use to support you.

Bottle and Combination Feeding

Establishing a feeding routine with your baby has its challenges whether that be breast, bottle or a combination. We want you to feel confident to feed your baby in the best way that works for you as a family. Whether you need support with correct milk storagesterilising equipment or a guide to how much formula milk to supplement with when combination feeding, we are there for you.

Sleep Support

Queries related to  sleep support are very common. At The Edinburgh Practice we offer evidenced-based knowledge on normal sleeping, what to expect in the newborn phase and beyond, as well as age appropriate sleep and bedtime routines.

Family Planning and Contraceptive Guidance

We offer guidance on family planning and contraception as well as the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you and your partner may have as you prepare to reconnect sexually again.

We know that expanding your family can be an exciting time but can also be filled with worries about how other children may adapt. Our health visitor can offer guidance and strategies on helping your child adapt to a new sibling.

Development review

Development reviews offer a holistic assessment of your child’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well-being, guiding parents in age-appropriate activities and parenting techniques to boost their child’s early development. By monitoring these aspects of development, a parent can be one step ahead.

Attachment & Bonding Support

It is common not to feel an immediate bond with your baby but if you feel this is not developing, you may benefit from support to build this. There are several reasons why you may feel that you do not have a bond with your baby including a difficult birth, life stressors such as finances and relationship breakdowns, different expectations of being a parent, postnatal depression, previous trauma, mental health difficulties or how you were parented yourself. These feelings are not exclusive to mothers – fathers, grandparents and carers can also experience this. Our health visitor can work with you to support bonding with your baby.

One intervention utilised is the Newborn Behavioural Observations (NBO) system. This is an infant-focused, family-centred relationship-building tool designed to sensitise parents to their baby’s competencies, challenges, and individuality with the goal of fostering the development of a positive parent-infant relationship from the very beginning. Through working with our health visitor, you will learn through your baby’s behaviour, which is their language, their likes and dislikes and identify the kind of support they need for optimal growth and development.

Parenting Confidence

The emotional transition to parenthood is an area that is often overlooked. The first 1001 days of a baby’s life have more influence on their future than any other time in their life and it can be an intense period with parents often feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Our health visitor can support parenting confidence and emotional wellbeing as well as providing practical advice and strategies regarding bonding, attachment and brain development to ensure both you and your baby have the best start possible.

Early Years Services

Our health visiting service provides professional care, support and advice to promote and achieve health and wellbeing for children up to five years old. Common concerns we regularly assist with include:

  • Sleeping and napping difficulties
  • Introducing solids
  • Toilet training
  • Behavioural concerns
  • Developmental assessments
  • Parental emotional wellbeing and confidence
  • Transition to parenthood

Our Fees


Health Visitor Service


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