Our team of Psychiatrists have expertise across a vast area of difficulties and we aim to match you with a Psychiatrist with expertise in the area you are seeking support with.
People often ask us “What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?” Both Psychologists and Psychiatrists work with the same goal in mind, to increase understanding, reduce psychological distress and to improve quality of life and functioning across a range of life areas, including; education, employment, relationships, interpersonal functioning and emotionally. Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors who can offer psychiatric assessment, including diagnosis, and medical treatment for a wide range of mental health difficulties. Clinical Psychologists are doctors who have training in psychology who can offer psychological assessment, formulation and interventions such as talking therapies. View profiles of our expert clinicians.
Our Expertise
At the practice we have expertise across a wide range of difficulties that clients can experience, including;
- Addictions
- Adjustment to illness and stress relating to physical health problems
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Bipolar disorder
- Body image issues, disordered eating and weight concerns
- Career difficulties and workplace stress
- Chronic pain
- Dementia
- Depression
- Emotional dysregulation
- Functional neurological disorder
- Neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Personality disorders
- Phobic disorders
- Post-natal depression
- School refusal
- Sleep difficulties
- Social and behavioural difficulties
- Trauma for example, physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect
Our Fees
Psychiatry Consultation up to 1 hour
Psychiatry Review up to 30 minutes
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